Mineverse's anticheat is no offense, just garbage, some of my clients stuff work too when it shouldn't because it's a cheap free client, I'm gonna...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: EliteArcher The offender's exact ingame name:...
Literally like 5 minutes ago I died to a border in the nether... im not sure if everyone has been the border once u reach it take everything good...
Well i mean Archerpvp once was getting 2 collums of people thats when i started to like it a lot more, and thats true about kit.
True but that doesnt bother me much cause kitpvp2 is never updated and its always got atleast 15 people
To me ArcherPvp is my favorite server, and even though its my favorite server i still dont play it simply because 3 reasons. 1. No one is ever...
.-. i suggested this a few months ago and got very few supports... So support <3
Support, I dont tryhard and its annoying because people do... stuff
I forgot about how they were disable... and i just thought heads would be cool to have :P
So I love playing Mob arena and skyblock and I know a lot of people are going to disagree because the loot is already decent by itself. I want to...
Come on dont take it down im like the richest on there i think
awww <3 im just thakful for everyone especially people who donated to keep the server from dying
I dont know its me or if its everyone but when someone dies near me or if i die it lags me to hell lol
100% agree with everything exept lobby ban hacking cause if you're just chilling in fly because you're bored i dont think you deserve a lobby ban...
Im not gay thou
Is it still queen_kyra?
Shhhh kyra its cause ur never on or where ever u are on i dont know
Explain why im not on your friends list there?
No lol it would have been there its censored..