Alright its fine and Thank You :)
i have me going into tab about a minute before the fight but i dont think that will be enough so ill try to find the time that it happened. btw do...
Your ingame name: YoRavi The offender's exact ingame name: SorrySon A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: using macro's which...
ddosed and died 6 times in 1 day #DeletingAllMySkypeAccounts
thx for all the feedback and btw @Censor @Andrewswj, if you guys read the edit i said if people think its too op then cyp could remove the...
THX for all the thumbs up support thingies! :D
that would be too op and then vip would have access to other kits like major and captain, whilst higher ranks don't its very unfair and op that way.
hey guys ravi here, and i thought of an amazing idea that i think would make kitpvp a whole lot better! since the update for pearls a few months...
i got a new mechanical keyboard!
i like to report people :>
@NoobCupCake @AgentWifi
Your ingame name: YoRavi The offender's ingame name: masternick66 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: scamming...
@AgentWifi @NoobCupCake
Your ingame name: YoRavi The offender's ingame name: piedontlie5225 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: ban evading...
yeah it was....... but why does that matter?? and when i tried to report it i didnt have access to my old forums account so today, since i saw...
Your ingame name: YoRavi The offender's ingame name: _IHaveEbola & AddictiveShadow A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: tp...
hi i'm a new randy
Halu :3