yep ;)
Sup. Fortune on blocks dosen't work right now ;X
Hey Mineverse! Here u can see that Sutero is hacking ans using MacroHeal. [MEDIA]
Hey mineverse! My ingamename is Lukieee and its Verden1234 who is the BlackMailer. This guy did manythings. Here is a Screenshot off him. 1....
Hello Mineverse here you can see that Asian_Slayer101 is Scamming me!!!!!! My IngameName=Lukieee [MEDIA]
@Nightfire Take this one!
@Nightfire Take this report to. Devid dosent know about kitpvp
Hey mod? Who are u? What are u doing here? Everytime i did things like this Before the Rule breaker got banned. And Plz Mod. Dont take reports...
Wait who are u? I wannt a better mod then that know s about Kitpvp.
Hello Minevserse! Here u can see that Zz_Phobia is Hacking [MEDIA]
Hello Mineverse! Here u can see that Tabsxx, Jap7 is spamming out. You can allso see that xPappi is flying! [MEDIA]
Hello Minevser! Here u can see that BrunoPower is pvp logging. And the fun part is that Cyp fixed the glitch that u can Spamm out. So this guy is...
Support. Its really bad that titans doesent have anything better when they spend freaking 250$ on a rank. They gets the kits but thats not...
Hey Mineverse! Here u can see that Zpoopoo is hacking AND spamming out. U can see his AnitKb but im sure that he is using KillAura but it dosent...
Hey Minevser! Here u can see that Rafpower is spamming out!!!!!!. And i Think that u guys fixed the thingy that u couldent spamm out. So this guy...
Hello Mineverse. This guy is to rough in his language. You cant tell someone that there mum died.
Hey Again Mineverse! Here u can see that xpappi got Extreamly hard hax. He fly up and they down! And u can allso see that tabsxx Is spamming out...
I forgott to say that tabsxx is spamming out! With trigger i Think. But its hard to know if he is using triggerkeys or not
Hey Mineverse! Here u can see that EzComboz is using antikb! And u can allso see that tabsxx is using KillAura, Cuas i got damageindi and its...
Hey mineverse! Here you can see uncleurnesto346 Hax! [MEDIA]