Smiley told me that you're a memel0rd is that true?
why do you need my ign?, I reported alot of people, you dont need my ign, as my last reports, you can see i dont put my ign there I cant...
Im sorry if the proof is not enough but thats what I got before he changed to laby mod. [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] -Louftie
Changin scammed me for 300k, he said he will buy me VIP rank after I pay him 300k on prison, then he ran with the money :/ PROOF: [MEDIA] So...
Player PinkPanther1046 advertising servers/(spam) here's the link for the screenshot.
VapingVegan is racist to jews and calling me Patchy, here's a screenshot of him calling me Pxctchy (he mend patchy) [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Players: SenpaiNoticeMee SamiChan and HashtagBored insulting and bullying Tomy3669 by swearing and saying his irl name, what he told them to...
Hii :D
Player Diamondheart9999 used tnt cannon at spawn. abused people with it. here's an image of her holding it. Thanks ;p
There is.
Support, awesome app, deserve to be accept.
15k? ;-;