He hacks on the video can mods response
My name Wolf_PvP_ His Name: DerpySuteroJr What did he do: Hacking Evidence: [MEDIA]
My Ign: Wolf_PvP_ His Ign: DerpySuteroJr (his main, SneakySutero That main is banned) what did he do wrong? Hacking Evidence: [MEDIA]
My name: Wolf PVP His name : Exponent what did he do?: Hacking Evidence: [MEDIA]
My Name: WolfPvP His Name: ZPX What Rule Did he broke: Hacking Evidence: Video [MEDIA]
My Name: WolfPvP His Name: Onixl (SneakySutero [Banned]) what did he wrong: He hacks and logged on the video and he is Sneakysutero and that is...
My IGN: WolfPvP His IGN: TPX What did he do wrong: Hacking Evidence [MEDIA]
Your account name: XxDanielleXx The offender's account name: LepaPvP : Minecraft A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking...
Im a Panda
I thought a New minigame Like Annitlation Its A minigame where u have to destroy the other kingdoms Kingdoms: Red Green Blue Yellow This Minigame...
Being Online
Thanks @12323emily for giving me a chance
Thank U. @Philip320
With this :(.....
@Philip320 LOL look at this its not mutch text I hope I can be a mod :(