I don't play Minecraft anymore. I play PS4. I have to Minecraft accounts. Sir_Guns and Sir_Guns_ Sir_Guns is my main which has God. Plus a...
On prison I got mrtacoman99 on video placing lava in mine and god like mode in pvp where we can hit him, as you can see I was able to hit other...
Nor heal anyone else besides themselves.
No problem with /heal for yourself but no need to heal the whole server.
/heal ** heals everyone or like Hrary did he did /heal Sir_Guns. Play prison for a bit and you'll randomly be healed.
Alright how many of us are sick of Titans having /heal **. Some do it randomly, just because or when they come online. It's a form of cheating....
Selling items on Prison. - 12 double chest of Speed II and another 12 double chest of Strength II. Price for all is $259,000, pricing at $200 a...
I know. It duplicated the first one when I edited the original one to make it more easily readable.
He is UncleUrnesto admitting he hacks, saying he just doesn't make it obvious.
Alright it's pretty irritating how you lose a lot of money in GTA. So what if you could buy a iron ingot for $100 and a emerald for $1000 and be...
I think Prison is due for a full reset. I'd like to throw in some idea's and fixes that should be made. You should be able to remove a shop sign...
I think Prison is due for a full reset. I'd like to throw in some idea's and fixes that should be made. -You should be able to remove a shop...
If you want ptime so bad donate. It's for donors not for regulars.
Well looks like no one handles the "Support Email" so I'll post here. I have 2 issues now. Name changes result in both problems. IGN(s)...
My account is Guns_N_Pork before that was Iron16head. I started playing again but on OPPrison I lost my plot and my money, since I changed my...