well done
Hello I just wanted to say that it would be much cleaner and easier to see if you could see the rank prefix of people in /who, /msg and /me as you...
no im not, im just the first guy to complain on the forums about it
Use a kb2 in water and your opponent can’t move! Nice! No but seriously the server is extremly laggy, sometimes gaps wont register same with pots,...
since youre an idiot, read the whole message before you comment clearly I need to be specific since people cant think for their own
remove the strenght beacon! rn do it! it sucks! you get 2v1ed and insant death, you can die to a kit fight now! just remove the beacon! making...
[MEDIA] not hq at all, ik xd
they litterally fixed the anticheat, you can still use jesus, noslow and killaura (reach aswell then obviously) but its really good! Thank you...
old anticheat, couldnt really speed too much, could autoclick, reach and use jesus but still works pretty good [MEDIA] new anticheat, can use any...
I want noobcrew to ask the community about the anticheat and make a poll about it so he gets a full understanding of what people want. Just like...
@i_am_youtuber @NounBanned
the spawn poll is really not that important but it would be amazing to get some changes. The First poll is the important one
I’ve been here since 2014! Kitpvp was great back then even though I didnt have a rank. It used to have 4 tabs and all the ranked players was at...
that wouldnt be good. I’d rather have an anticheat that doesnt kick anyone but still does it’s job like the old one did
hello! I was just thinking about how great it would be to have crates in kitpvp but without having any op sharpness like the s40 on op maybe have...
first of all chill! Second of all its not a vpn you just dont get ipbanned
personally I Love the new map! Maybe not the new rainbow but whatever! only prob I see is the anticheat being trash... (og btw been here since...
Hello, I know the bow boosting in water is a little wack due to the anticheat. just saying please try to fix this so bow boosting actually works...
Hello I just wanted to say that it would be much cleaner if you could see the rank prefix of people in /who, /msg and /me as you can on op pvp