I play every day and I am on factions all the time but I some times go to different servers.
Ok thank you
Ok and I hope you were ok with me using yours as an outline
So I suppose you are neutral?
I can change that, will that get your support?
Introduction Hello my name is PewterKat and I am 11 years old and this is my moderator application on mineverse.net. I was looking through...
Fashion_Fighter8 A. You need to have a basic script B. Look at some accepted apps before you do this. No support sorry
Yes I hope it can be fixed soon, but it sucks that some people still auc/buy spawners.
Spawners: Spawners are currently broke on OP Factions for example, If you auction a spawner it automatically glitches into a pig spawner. They...
I don't know if this is for all servers but when you auction a mob spawner (in factions) it turns into a pig spawner. Please fix this, I wasted...
I give you support, i tried for mod but i failed but this seems like a great app so i give you my support, i hope you become mod!!!!
I accept your choice and thank you for looking at my mod application, oh and I just wanted it to be fun but I guess it did not work, oops.
I accept your choice and thank you for looking at my mod application!
I am not an alt and i believe he should get a chance
I respect your choice thank you for looking at my mod application. :)
Attention! I do not deserve this rank, go look at others. Attention!
You are a fun guy and an amazing player so i give you all my support into becoming a mod in mineverse.com, go get it dude ;)
The blood of warriors flows strongly through my veins.
Lovin dat hat dude! ;)
That face in your profile pic dough it amazing ;)