Well. They locked me out of my own furnaces now. I'm going to bed. Hopefully something can be done about this. It's getting unbearable. If action...
Update x5: Well. He cobbled me. So. That's a thing. Great. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] ALSO: He added more claims, blocking me in on all sides like he...
Update x4: They tried getting a Titan rank friend of theirs to "ej" into my base, I still don't know what that is. But after I explained to the...
Update x3 (part 2): I couldn't see it before because I couldn't get far enough outside my house, but he once again laid down a claim near mine to...
Update x3: He's come back online and is harassing me again. Also threatening to blow me up. First he swept through, opening all my doors and...
Update x2: I'm not sure if you guys had anything to do with this, but upon logging in this morning their claims have been removed: [IMG] (I also...
Update: They came back to harass me some more. As you can see I've been hiding inside my mud hut this whole time because I really don't want to...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: BlueBoxOfWonder The offender's exact ingame name:...
>> Bump <<
>> Bump << If we could be provided updates on the progress that will lead to survival's reset it might be helpful. I don't think being rude is...
I think we already have their attention; it's just a matter of when:
I feel that. A few days ago I was auctioning beef to players 200+ pieces for like $10. While it'll be a shame to have to re-earn all my claim...
Hmm. Alright. Sadly, all of my projects are complete. I merely farm all my stuff lately. I just didn't wanna farm anymore if it was all gonna be...
Do we have a set or estimated date for the reset? I enjoy playing in my free time, but I don't want to work any farther if I'll be losing...
Question about resets (I tried looking through a few pages but c'mon, there are 24...), when the survival server is reset, will everyone lose...
Your ingame name: BlueBoxOfWonder The offender's exact ingame name: GGsCraftedLegend A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:...
-Sighs- It was a long night. Your ingame name: BlueBoxOfWonder The offender's exact ingame name: Kittygirl4ever & Thegameskeeper A...
I could have sworn this was against the rules, yet I've seen this member talk about wither farming a lot (I didn't think to report it and for that...
Yes. Please close. xx