1. Terrorgiant 2. NarutoDx 3. Scamming, I was supposed to give him 3k on kitpvp for gravity gun on GTA. 4. [MEDIA]
1. craftedhuman 2. JesseSlayer1 3. Hacking, anti kb and killaura. 4. [MEDIA]
No support
1. craftedhuman 2. ReaperPvPz 3. Killaura, toggling 4. [MEDIA] ReaperPvPz is an alt of BellCrystal79, here's proof. http://prntscr.com/8e1lzn...
Okay well then I don't have evidence of him tp trapping people. Archive/delete it.
1. craftedhuman 2. voidattack (His new name is KlutzysEnergy5) https://namemc.com/s?voidattack 3. macro /heal 4. [MEDIA] I was unable to upload...
[MEDIA] Here's the vid of them attacking davidisabog, but the stijn_anderssen guy went to /spawn or something because I didn't see his name...
1. craftedhuman 2. frejkb 3. Tp trapping with general_ibi and stijn_anderssen 4. [MEDIA]
1. craftedhuman 2. KlutzyGiant 3. Macros. 4. [MEDIA] He healed with his macros and slightly after that he typed /heal but it was on cooldown...
1. craftedhuman 2. Magnolias_ 3. Scamming, he was supposed to pay me 400 but instead he logged out. 4. [MEDIA]
1. craftedhuman 2. _Strafes 3. Spamming out to combat log without dying, he used macros to spam 4. [MEDIA]
1. craftedhuman 2. Magnolias 3. Spamming out to combat log without dying, he used macros to spam out. 4. [MEDIA]
1. craftedhuman 2. JozzyBear 3. Disrespect / Profanity 4. http://prntscr.com/8b0q3h
1. craftedhuman 2. JozzyBear 3. Illegal item. 4. http://prntscr.com/8b04or
1. craftedhuman 2. des_skillzZ 3. Hacking, sprint hack 4. [MEDIA] Edit: Pasted wrong video, now its the right one!
1. craftedhuman 2. joelyou123 3. using macros 4. [MEDIA] We were all talking swedish in the youtube video but suddenly joelyou123 used macro...
1. craftedhuman 2. IanAkira 3. Tp trapping 4. [MEDIA] He was typing in chat that he was gonna give out free kit god and he didn't attack me in...
1. craftedhuman (My friend took this screenshot and he couldn't post it since he forget his forum account) 2. McBoss003 3. DDoS threatening 4....
sorry i dont think is enough evidence