How is this funny?
I remember seeing that picture of you with the membership, you are probably a master!
If you don't have proof, it seems a bit unprofessional for a moderator to publicly accuse a player of taking the name.
Changed my ign to Clink.
There is no section for survival recruitment.
From what I've seen, you're active and mature. Support.
I'm not saying any one person is bad or good.
9/10? So you are an almost perfect pvper? Honestly, for everybody, you most likely are not going to realistically have 8-10/10. To those of you...
"Videos, how many people did you hack to get that name?"
Mods don't ban for no reason, are you sure he was banned for saying an ign?
I can't comment on your profile, but can I have the name of your texture pack?
Diggy is already dead.
The map is made into a square, giving the people who spawn on the corner islands a disadvantage. I'm not sure if all of the maps are like this,...
I'm pretty sure the point of this thread wasn't to spam the same thing over and over.
-1 169
Macros are bannable.
Sometimes reasons and things like that are personal, but it's obvious why he was banned.