wait if this happens can the kitpvp and oppvp just stay in 1.8?.....
great, so I cant access my FearBigJJRob account.... I dont know the email or password so now I have to use an alt... with no gear....
when a noob comes and kills you after you kill someone in a 1v1 cause youre at 3 hearts and they cant PvP the right way
Hey nice to meet you, I play on kitPvP alot too if we see each other we should team :D
@Scorvix ur profile pic :o, Hi :) its nice to see so many people replying, hopefully I can get to know some of you better :)
Damage indicators, optifine and betterPvPmod are not hacking correct.... cause to some people they think it is
Anyone play on KitPvP on MV? if so and you want a teammate im here, im teamed with a good chunk of the server already.... but still :)
Your ingame name: FearBigJJRob The offender's ingame name: two offenders: xRedBullz and chancebigler A description of what rule they broke/how...
sure @Wolf64 but I have no idea what I would use as the picture....... @Waffletumn hi, I love your emblem beneath your post xD
@Wolf64 thanks, I don't normally spark conversations on the forums (tad bit shy), but I always look for people to team with (mainly on kitPvP) its...
hey my name is Trey, most people online just call me Fear or Rob. I respond more to Fear because thats what people who know me online call me but...