1.) stupak_23 2.) ThatOneGuy55 3.) threats of sending a "hit squad" 4.)
1.) stupak_23 2.) StefanKoessner 3.) DDoS Threats 4.)
Have you not herd how mean she is to others?? she deserves it.
As most of us know there is a money glitch on factions.. This is what we did. The Cheater(Queenofshadows272) and what we did
I have a few suggestions for factions that could make it a better experience and more ease of access. 1.) Make it so if you are in enemy...
support all the way, good luck!
Five Finger Death Punch
will they be changed back into normal hoppers soon?
i did _-_
i did but still nothing
then how do we get them to work?
i have an auto smelter, i use hoppers alot they are facing the correct way just no item flow
For some reason hoppers of factions do not have any item flow!!
This helps a lot thank you
Ive herd that you can get peopled heads if they have a bounty and you kill them, ive done this twice and i have none, the only heads i have are...
1.) stupak_23 2.) TheBBallPro 3.) hack threats 4.)
1.) stupak_23 2.) Bowser_Time 3.) Hacking 4.) [media]