Good bye every one :) Remember to stay positive and be kind to one another <3
Hello BlueGingerHD, Welcome to the forums! If you ever wanna chat you can message me! (Or if you need help with anything)
Awe thank you very much Steve! My favorite people on MV is everyone because you are all very amazing and beautiful and you all do things to make...
You just have to look on the brighter side of things :)
I will edit in more info about her later but in the mean time you can look her up :)
Respect earns respect
It is important to spread kindness everywhere you go.. you never know how much someone is hurting on the inside..
This is really important to me so I am going to bump it :)
Support, I agree with all of this.
I actually do not own an account at the moment haha :) I gave it to my brother I am also glad we started talking because you seem like a great...
Ooh my first time commenting on one of these haha
I see cyber-bullying more as extreme disrespect toward someone online whether they know them offline or not. Constantly harassing, insulting,...
Wow.. Beautifully said WolfBane. I am also sorry for the experience(s) you had to go through to realize all of this.
There is so much negativity here.. I can not stop it on my own but I will continue to try :)
Well said Rocman :) Thank you for making this
I am not?
I am completely aware that you are not actually Logan so would you please stop pretending to be? It isn't very nice of you :(
He desired nothing but friend ship with those he welcomed :)
I do.. he was always trying to defend himself and his girl friend and sometimes took it to an extreme I get it :)
I do not wish to tell you what to do I am just saying you do not need to do it. It isn't kind :(