100% support. For you main Trait(Generosity) I've seen you in GTA, you give away so many tier donor weapons, you've even given like 5+ players...
Those who call themselves pros die, those who survive are the pros.
Please unban me from GTA, for more info read this.
Please read: http://www.mineverse.com/conversations/ban-apeal-gta-elrond5-hacking.34109/
Please unban me from GTA, more info http://www.mineverse.com/threads/gta-elrond5-hacking.60505/#post-628021
please take a look at this plzzzzzz http://www.mineverse.com/threads/gta-elrond5-hacking-pile.60505/#post-628021
He has scammed me as well as many other players like: Elrond5(me) XP_pvp_XP Elijah_m8 Heres even a video of him scamming me torches for IRL...