Do you regret anything?
I made Cyps Profle pic :> my life = complete
its probably just some latency between either you, the website or the server.
oh okai, i can use Ps cs6 fairly well but dis ish awesum
what do u use to make deis :o i lovem can ya do me one :3
omg im older den u by a few days <3
Just say your favourite : Colour: Greeen You tuber: Keralis or Xisuma ;3; Singer/artist: Flux Pavillion Pet: i dont got any Game mode: Creative...
overnight i get like 15 on here and 40 on skyblock >_> lel takes me an hour+ to go through em XD
ma sig ? :o
r00d ;_;
so do i o-o
did u try turning it off then back on :>
Alpha ;3; i use the R3D craft default realism,
yey ;3; i joined today and i already got 50+ messages ;-; i got no life D:
hai dere
oh hai deere
welcome to the forums, if u need anything, just ask :)