1. (Hackers Name) TheSharpShooter 2. (My Name) ItsLeMike 3. (Rule He BrokeHe Hacked (Fly Hacked) 4 (Evdience) [MEDIA]
1. (Hackers Name) Keprachaun 2. (My Name) ItsLeMike 3. (Rule He Broke) He Fly Hacked 4. (Evidence) [MEDIA]
Hey, my friend Azu2000 really likes the server, so he decided to buy a donor rank (MVP 35.00USD). So he bought it, but it charged him twice we...
1. ItsLeMike 2. QuiteBoringName 3. He hacked using safewalk 4. [MEDIA] 5. After I videod SonicTheHedge_ I also found I caught QuiteBoringName...
1. ItsLeMike 2. SonicTheHedge_ 3. He Fly Hacked 4. [MEDIA]
Hey I found a hacker on bedwars please look at the report section here is the link anyways https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5usHgKhAVA
I posted the link on my Youtube for you to see thanks for the information I'm new as you can tell
The video is up here^^^^
1. ItsLeMike 2. iLuckky & _DerpFiesty2006 3. No hacking, iLuckky fly hacked & _DerpFiesty2006 safewalked 4. On my youtube channel
Ok I cant upload a video so just give me your email and Ill send it to you
Woops wrong video xD
Hopefully you guys can see the usertag for the safewalker, but for sure see iLuckky fly hacks. Staff please do something about this it ruins the...
Thank you guys for all of the feedback this was my first application!
I have been playing Mineverse for a while now just haven't been able to create an account on the forums
How old are you? 15 Your in-game name: ItsLeMike What timezone are you in? Pacific Time Zone What country do you live in? United States of...
Hey Guys! You may know me from BedWars and I'm starting to be active on the forums!