Introduction Hello my name is Rizekk. I'm from Pennsylvania . My real name is Ardonit. I know many of you guys know me from my past experience as...
How old are you? Currently 11 Your in-game name: My in game namd is Rizekk What timezone are you in? I am in the Eastern Atlantic Timezone. What...
How old are you? Currently 11 Your in-game name: My in game name is Rizekk What timezone are you in? I am in the Eastern Atlantic Timezone. What...
Hello, my name is Rizekk. But my friends call me Ardonit so you can too! Today I am applyingg for moderator Basic Information I am...
Wait I disliked ? My bad bro I meant to like it was very detailed!;D
Really detailed good job!
How old are you? 11 but that'll change in august 23 2016 Your in-game name: Rizekk But I've been known as GeekyExotic and CopyRightZSJr What...
Ill be on later :)
I'm a mineverse kitpvp player who donated and would like to be a staff member to help the server out and make sure hackers go bye bye :) <3