Hi HotNikki :D How are u?
Hi Nikki, No Problem Butfa
My recording Glitched out so I took screen shots of a Non rank flying http://imgur.com/a/pJAHU Also .warp fly is a glitch command to fly so u...
Here is a link to 2 screen shots http://imgur.com/a/XNWP5
Here is a link to the pictures [3 Screen shots] http://imgur.com/a/fFwZ3
Here is a link to the picture, last time i did a upload it failed so im going to do a link but a different person http://imgur.com/a/HZIPz is...
[IMG] Tribent_ was spaming in lobby
Thank you, Well just so u know - I'm on everyday -internet browser wasn't opening - I'm only 14 I'm not like 20 who knows gramer a heap
How could i Improve my application, i don't know where to add more support
Well i changed it, sorry
Thorraks thanks for the advise ill change it a bit
How old are you? I'm 14 Your in-game name: DarkSwagz What timezone are you in? Standed time zone GMT/UTC + 10:00 hour What country do you live in?...