just normal but the reason its in help @Flazey is becuase the guy doing it has done it to us 3 times already
but it dosnt matter now technolou has ruined mc for me
OMG NO damnit he over claimed my base and blown up half of it damnit can i ask how do i claim it back even tho its over claimed its wilderness but...
no u misunderstand my friend we r in the same spot and has taken our things i thought hed leave right after instead hes staying and we cant get...
yea that was my idea i told everyone on my fac to stay off for 5 days to trick him into thinking we quit
keeps staying there and kills us
no hes not using a cheat or anything he just wont leave us alone we cant play factions because of him
technolou is his user
but i cant start again if he keeps killing everyone
btw his name is technolou
yea thanks for the tips guys but ive done all that hes raided us he wont leave us alone
who ever is reading this please please help this titan set home in my base and raided right now he wont leave hes tping more people taken our...
Well what else could I provide cuz I don't think a3xMC wants to give me the proof of him scamming unless someone from here asked him personally in...
no i didnt think to take a picture of that all i have is the proof of me sending the money
hello who ever may be reading this im here to report a player for scamming me so heres the story im here taming a horse and i asked for a saddle...
omg im getting scammed on factions i pay and he says i didnt i have the screen shot lol so he cant say anything