uhhh ok
So... you're glad that you're banned?? You put a happy face in your title.
Support. #BlameMicrosoft
Are these posts necessary? No they are not. Why post them at all?
Banned, once again, for having an underscore after your name.
Banned for not putting a period at the end of your sentence.
Welp I officially give up.... kthxbai :D
WINNER now pls stop replying so i can be winner................. XD
Dang that sucks :/ hope you get your rank back!
Read the title^ I'll start [IMG]
Farted, annihilating all life on Earth.
Banned for having an underscore at the end of your name.
Here's a question: What's the point of the cookie rating? Sorry I'm stupid D;
Is there a way to change your name on the forums?
You're a mother :o Your kid is lucky, my mom doesn't like anything to do with video games xD
I know what a brony is, but what is brony CRAP. :O btw here's my pic. [IMG]