I was asking why he de ranked me. I never got the answer and still that is not a ban considering it is not a rule.
I was banned for a non existent rule g. It was by graysage I had done nothing and he banned me for 3 days. I want to be unbanned please thank you...
You seem very immature and the mod app had many mistakes in it. Plus all your friends disagreed with my opinion lol.
Just report them
The resets take care of this, just wait for the next one.
They said it was for factions in the post. But they may come back and that would be worse than just leaving it have lost everything. But survival...
No Support! Survival: What if they come back and they see all their stuff is gone? Factions: There is no chest claiming on factions but there is a...
computer problems?
just u
You have said crude things to players and moderators in the past and have been banned as well. Doesn't seem like very good qualities and I have a...
No Support
Just get top voter and you get the rank MVP
I will let you know that you have been reported for death wishes and you should receive the appropriate punishment soon. Please do not do it...
1: Kanye 2: FaZe DoX 3: Death Wish (Telling me to drink bleach) 4: https://gyazo.com/1ea37a735e023dc45125fcfa5e691a43
Thanks Hotnikki :) Thanks Glitch :)
Probably a day or two.