in game
My In Game Name: ZeroRepublic My Time Zone: Northern-Eastern My Country: United States Languages I Speak: English Do you have the necessary...
Hello and I need more steps to work the 2FA. Please Help
Chicken whaa..?
This account is pretty old that why it still says KaiTheDogLord
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: ZeroBTW The offender's exact ingame name: Al3x_NetS321...
Hello my real life name is Thaeden and this is my mod application. i hope you enjoy its very basic and i answered all questions. I am currently...
Hello im gonna try to become a mod im 13 my in game name is KaiTheDogLord im in L.A. Timezone i live in California i speak only engilsh i think i...
what if your name isnt avaible anymore i tryed it already
hello noobcrew i changed my username to KaiTheDogLord and it was KaiTheRunner and i but private signs on my chest now i can access them. can a...
so there for you cant change the signs?
Hello im KaiTheDogLord i changed my username to KaiTheDogLord. it was KaiTheRunner. and on survival i but private signs on my chest now i cant...
Hello my user is KaiTheRunner my last report was not good but i took a screen shot NightOpRC2 has been blackmailing, destroying propertys, and...
i mean Hades3
Hello im KaiTheRunner when i was trying to buy a name tag from hades4 i payed him $1000 then he said ha you got scammed. never trust saten.