Shh I'm a penguin-dino-tiger-unicorn but shh no one knows
RIP /friends
:3 bestie @Flazer @sithkitty
^ I'm late af and not able to get online but get well Torchie :3
You should send me the link - I don't sleep anyways xd
ily2 => *whispers* no matter what tads thinks about this
Grounded from Minecraft .-. *insert death here*
Support :3 (late af but still support :>) Reasons stated
:> Support - No reason not too :)
No support. All reasons stated above. I also have not seen you on any other game play besides OP Prison or Kit PvP, and there have been times when...
you know I don't ;-;
1. Irl name? Anja 2. Boy or girl? Girl 3. Cookie or cake? Cookie 4. Favorite sport? none 5. What grade? 9th 6. Prison or Op prison? OP...
Mine doesn't load either .-.
Gratz ;D even though I just met you today :3