@Benko <3333
Support, genuinely one of the nicest people I've ever had the pleasure of meeting on Mineverse! <3
You became an e-girl for attention over minecraft and only gained them subs because you are an e-girl.
http://prntscr.com/f7g1ec LOL
Not been on minecraft in time and I come back to this... http://prntscr.com/f7fv0o
Just in-case you aren't aware, this is the forum, not the server... I made this thread to say why I left not explain why I'm coming back, which...
The comments on this post just prove how bad the community on this server is xD
My thoughts exactly, I didn't even speak when I first joined the server so I have no clue what's he's talking about.
I don't even know who you are nor do I care, if you don't want me here or want to talk to me, don't comment...
I can tell you are salty they turned you down, the staff team are so bad compared to the old one and they are never on to moderate the server.
I know I was toxic, you clearly don't know what I was like before though.
The 'Tarded' in your name means you don't have the ability to function like a normal human being.
Gonna keep this short and hope that my friends see this because I don't really have time to tag them all individually. So I left Mineverse for...
Banned for insinuating that I am not a real reaper ):
Banned for not being Perfect like your name suggests.
Banned for being hypocritical.
I know this is a bit late, but are you taking the piss? Everyone 'known' good person cheats.
90% of the people cheat, it'd be like displaying the most blatanat hacker lmao
Keep, I need my slaves.