i only took a screenshot of that, sorry
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: IGN: solomom Offenders IGN: ImNorwegian He told me to slit my throat....
[MEDIA] zTanay Hacking His IGN: zTanay Kill aura obviously (hitting me when not looking at me)
ik, i did this for banter
[Title] I have an idea!*
Guys, I came up with a good idea! We should ban/mute all the cocky people! Example! NahNiqqa!-HE IS COCKY AF BRUH!-Proof?-Here!...
IGN: xRazzzzer Skype: nate.tacos Good Sportsmanship: Yes Decent PvP Skills: Yes Age:12 Background Info: I love playing soccer and hanging out...
Thanks Man
Hello, I just want to talk about RentPvP_'s quitting. He quit because of several reasons. I was really sad when this happened. Me Fxded__, And...
IGN: TacoNum Offender IGN: zStraightLined_ What Rule Did They Brake?: As You Will See In The Video, He Was Using A Hacked Client With Criticals...
_______________________________________[MEDIA] IGN: TacoNum _______________________________________ Offenders IGNS: hoskinfamily, Dotzy248,...