? Tempbanned For wut
... ok
Oh Sorry Its Aweomse
U To!
Did U Become Mod ??? If U Did YAY I Might Be Mod Soon I Hope...
Btw Is There A Hacking Detecter Mod ? If There Is Can Some1 Plz Tell Me Wut It ?
And Yes I Know Ur Always Watching
dontchallengeme i will put 100% Of my time on here my brother could just go on the other servers and I'm not "new" I know most of the things on...
Wut Do U Mean ?
hmm k
Hey every1 Im Lightning_shock! Hopefully I Make It For Staff! WISH ME LUCK!
When U Look At This Can U Give Me A % Outa 10 ? Thx
Creative/Oppvp/skywars Hey Mods/Admins/Owners Uh I Would Like To Sign For Mod And Heres My Aplication =) Age:15 Ign:Lightning_shock Time Zone:...