Wtf XD
IGN: MindlessKing Age: 6 about to turn 7 Pvp Skills: 10/10 Cps: 2 Time Online Weekdays: 1hour Weekends: all day I want to join because im gay and...
blackzone i was muted on half of minverse servers due to my ign i have now changed and i am asking if you can unmute me please thank You
nanurz the whole point of this message was so that you could look at my unban appeal
Hello i am requesting that you go read my ban appeal on my perm ban please i am a donator and i would like to revive a unban
can u go look at my ban appeal snake said that he wants u to look at it thank you <3
IGN: DemonicDropz Age:15 Rank: None Skype: I have it ill message it to Wbc Why Do I Want To Join: It seems like a very good clan and i am looking...
IGN-MindlessKing Age-15 Skype,Kik,instagram,snapchat- u know some of these already skills- ok at pvp and i can build ok too Reason- We are friends...
Suppot. Extremely detailed application i love it he would be a great mod we need him.