Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name:SuchSwiftness The offender's exact ingame...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: SuchSwiftness The offender's exact ingame name:...
Deleted the post
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: TheLolKiller_YT The offender's exact ingame...
O ok I didnt know
Ign: Laughings Skills:8/10 Rank:God Communications:Skype/Ts I want to join mafia because I want to be part of a clan, that is well organized and...
O ok thanks for voting
Support, you have to wait so long to get epearls on kit. maybe make it a kit and a shop item?
Please fill out the template, or your app will be ignored. Your in-game name:Laughings What timezone are you in? Pacific Time Zone What country...
Thanks Incomprehensible
What was the decision?
IGN: Laughings Rank:God Skills:8/10 Recruitment starter rank (PvPer or set/sword gatherer) Pvper
IGN: Laughings PvPSkill:8/10 Axe Level:50 Unarmed Level:71 Mcmmo Level:351 I am loyal to my fac (not currently in one because my last one...
I have changed my name to Laughings
Some me info about me: IGN: Laughings Skills:8/10 Rank:God CPS:10 Communications: Skype/Ts (I will pm u in game) Time: I can be online 2 hours on...
Specification of the teammates, ok I guess. ClassicStrafes, ProretardedOG, TightPotatoJr, KidzTv, Qtaz, and Rizec
Please consider my application
IGN: SqicyCombos Skills: 7-8 Communications: Skype Age:10 I can be on 1 hour weekdays 2 hours weekends Rank: God Cps:10 I want to join m@fia...
so ok thanks
Also sorry I can't be online run I am on vacation I will be more active when I come back on June 18