If so, then I'll ask to delete all the #PrayForParis threads and comments on them. Then it will be fair to delete mine as well.
But is officially the American invasion, that's what the news told me. Why people can create threads about Paris and blame it on the arabs (ISIS)?...
http://www.mineverse.com/threads/rest-in-peace.63510/#post-664314 Recently one of the staff members locked my thread dedicated to remembering the...
Meanwhile the Russian A321 crushed somewhere in Egypt and as a result 240 people died. But no, no one even remembered about those deaths. I don't...
Rest in peace all the victims (1.6 millions of people), who died during the 2003 Iraq war, which was the consequence of American invasion.
Alright, let's post spiderman pics then!!111 [IMG]
This forum game doesn't have the end because there is an infinite amount of messages single user can post. It purpsose was to increase message...
i'm sorry, you're just atrocious, correct.
how ugly are you from scale 10-10?????
Only sissy girls shave their arms and legs and use woman's make-up.
<insert here video about the kid who went nuts from playing video games> <insert here article about harm of video games and computer> <insert here...
You forgot to say "Allahu Ackbar".
Now lick my feet.
Sitting from two accounts at the same time is joy. but seriously though I'm not this pleb
Don't worry about the dislikes and there is no need to protect me. People are scared to discover something new and mysterious and therefore they...
666. 3 numbers. Triangle has 3 edges. Illuminati confirmed. Done. [IMG]
Child, I'm not insane at all, I'm just playing my role here. Life is a theater.