I kinda knew you would find out, also merks hates me. I already know i'm going to get an ip ban or a ban.
if you knew how others felt, like what if no one likes you irl, and the person you meet online loves everything about you but you should get to...
online dating isn't bad actually, you're meeting new people and if there wasn't such thing as the internet you would just always have the same god...
oh ik I'm gunna be ip banned but I'm not starting anything, could you kindly leave this tread alone :x
;-; wasn't talking to you JUST PROVED A POINT ^^^^
babe you're going to get banned
that's quite rude.
I ditched school :i
I don't swear anymore at least on forums or in game.
I have a father that's it but he barley has time for anyone :I Language. please shush kings.
don't have one ;l
<0< I get bullied irl, and online and its hard for me to make friends because well I'm not a girly girl bahaha I'm like a fricking transgender...
I cant again everyone hates me.
I have faked but now I'm not and I'm getting banned and I'm never going to come back here and the reason I stated being a bish is because you all...
how about you stay outta this please bb gurl
really you had to put 69 what about 70, and no Ive only had 11 acc and they all got banned one was hacked and I got banned for 'nudes' and...
like I lied :/
Yes I am.
Alt bb