Awesome, hopefully its added as a new map
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: Cookie_chuls The offender's exact ingame name:...
Ingame name: Solar_Cookie. I'm not the one that lost the rank, it was AlphaFefol, he does'nt have a mineverse account so i'm doing it. He lost his...
My ingame nam: Solar_cookie Ingame name: zUnfriendlyHD also known as JitterClickD This player has all sort of other alternative account's, so I...
ingame name: Solar_Cookie Trappers/hacker name: Nice_Barel Evidence: [MEDIA] (Trapping) [MEDIA] (hacking)
Name; Solar_Cookie Hackers name: Nimavide03 // DarkTenison_ What rule he broke? Alt account of a banned player. Evidence? Screen shot down below
Ingame name: Solar_Cookie Offenders ingame name: dirkdebaas What rule he broke? Scamming, he did'nt scam me but he scammed my best friend, I asked...
Haha Its mine >:D
NIchooo <333 NO gay I swear.
ingame name: Solar_Cookie offenders ingamename: Redendz What rule he broke? Hacking, evidence: [MEDIA]
ingame name: Solar_Cookie Offenders FULL ingame name: tso1575 What rule he broke? Hacking, proof: [MEDIA] , you will have to look good to see the...
@SSMH LoveBlueTheHorse is the glitcher, I just found that out, always that player is saying: Selling staff heads, /msg. When I asked the player...
Ingame name: Solar_Cookie Issue: People have been taking heads from /staff, and I think I know how, the players open /staff with slow pc´s and...
Ach, ok thanks.
ingame name: Solar_cookie offenders ingame name: God_Run_PvP What rule he broke: Spamming on /factions -Solar_cookie