allah akbar SUPPORT
bears are awesome tf
Whats your in game name?
I truly don't understand people No Supporting. It will literally make kit pvp un-playable. I feel like most of the people are no supporting cause...
if this is you, your eyes are beautiful omg
You deserved this.
lmfao so someone ss'ed you and found a client in your lobby mod folder WHILE YOU WERE ON VACATION AND DIDNT HAVE A COMPUTER? LMFAOOOOOOOOOO best...
We have a pretty rocky friendship but you're always there for this server. You're one of the best role models I've ever seen. (you're basically...
^^^^^^^^^^^^^like i delete my ghost client while using it on op pvp
support would reduce false bans
changing to Support good luck :)
Support. Although Ive never really herd of you a lot of people seem to love you and say that you're very nice and respectful + your past...
happy birthday beautiful :)
Happy Birthday <3
"a better person" el oh el
nice back muscles bro