This idea works just as well. Maybe set it up to require potions, glowstone, redstone, and a few blocks of gold/lapis/emerald and what not.
Sorry I took a break for a bit after filing the report. Someone had banned the guy and broke the traps for us that night so I cannot confirm...
Your ingame name: noob45 The offender's ingame name: Ember333 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Ember333's 1 month ban...
Currently there is a player in creative named hydropython04 tpaing people into an ender portal and trapping them in them. The portal trap ends up...
We made that mistake on skyblock with the red sand epidemic. The good players turned it in hoping for a refund of some kind. People like Butfa...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Your ingame name:noob45 The offender's ingame name: Deadlymoss (advertiser) Aflaye (island resident) A description of...
Actually I disagree with this assessment. There are a lot of immature people in both the skyblock community and in the mineverse community in...
Even something like adding a 15 second stand still timer similar to factions tpa system? If the suggestion would require a reset to skyblock that...
Support He is active in skyblock and has always been helpful and respectful to people. I don't recognize most of the people on this thread so I...
This is exactly why it would be in the best interest of mineverse to implement a confirmation. It is a simple mistake that is easily made...
Support but no support I would be extremely surprised if there wasn't already a separate moderator sub section for applications that is limited...
Summer is over and school has started for everyone. I still see tons of people online over the weekend. Weekdays most people lose 8-10 hours of...
I propose that skyblock donation kits begin to include clay in the list of items in donation kits similar to grass and dirt. Now that challenges...
The following report involves several incidents and may support someone else’s report on same player. My in game name: Noob45 Offending player:...
If cutting down the clutter was the main reason to discriminate, the mods responsible for the vetting process can always post a rejection and lock...
Although I am one of those brand new people to the forums, I was actually going to make my own suggestion post regarding mod applications and...
As the title says I am suggesting that it would be great to have an island reset confirmation command of some type. The confirmation could be as...