proof: [MEDIA] He gaps hits and yeah killaura.
ur ugly -PrincessDebbi/3rdJuly <33
I love how none includes me when I can beat minimum 7 players of everyone's list -3rdJuly/meme4LIFE
Lager Player Base Is In Europe 75% of people who play mv are europeans and I don't see why they just don't put the host on east us so that eu and...
ultimatekrish saying his youtube channel is called ReaperPvPz: ultimatekrish saying staff don't...
There you go sorry
Is it? I'll fix it
I can't tell if he is really or not. His ign: Hqkz [MEDIA]
Advertising: Admitting to scam: What else...
its ok lol ur in anyway
accepted pm me ur skype
we kicked u ur not deciding
Welcome Boobalyboo, Jessica1302 and cheetahburger
Welcome MR_B3N_123 thnyan559 to the clan
Clan Name changed to Kryptic
Guys and girls
Welcome AirPvP_ to our clan :D
We welcome zHydraPvPKing and JaellyBear to our clan :D !!
Hello, I'm PrincessDebbi, and I've been playing this server for like 5months, I have noticed there is alot of annoying people that are just...