Waffle + Nuts :3
I can't forget my brother: [IMG] [IMG] @JackIsBack @KingAlex
Heal Pile. Repeat for 10 hours.
We are all the same. We are nuts. Hail Nutah.
Heal my counterpart: @Pile_of_Butts
I am Nats, son of Nuts. Bow before my treenuts.
Deez Nuts. Gotem
That reply is older than your grandmothers butt..
Pls dont eat me.
With Deez nuts.
Dis fo u
You were sayin?
This will not make you mod.
Hey, people couldn't go on forums cuz of the glitch. Take this into consideration please.
Dez towl ep no sapot. Wok en dis.
Good luck, but work on the swearing :3. Anyway, support. Get active on forums :)
Deaz nuts.