oh my god
Stress just doesn't go away No support Honestly were you stressed? Or wanting attention for your salty self LOL.
Lol stop bashing her tisktisk
oh so that's who it is - anna
Who's Roxanne?
IGN: Zatrinqia Players IGN: SwagMasterLogen and some other kid (froewoekenhoeken idk) Rule broken: Insulting me Gamemode: Skyblock Proof:...
Lol what? FakeASmile go hug a tree <3
What part of Virginia?
Tommeeeeee be quiet
I use totallynototto lmao
um excuse u??? I alrdy made this thread just clicl on my recent thrreads
Your name is offensive ;( People actually died and families were torn apart You seem highly immature if your name is IHaveEbola no s u p p o r t
agreed me, endergirlmc28, & Anna had the richest base oml
change ur location to annas hood
Still my favorite <33
pls check
Lol or bring back survival 2