u became a savage and stopped holding back your opinion but you aren't disrespectful I like that disc I really hope u get mod <3
half the mods do nothing and half the mods are like 10 lol and the owners are biased so yeah
get smoked
woo woo ya ya back up off me
The mod app is good tho I wish you good luck
Support but be more active in game you already are but you could be more
You haven't changed we all know it. Look you are getting mad at constructive criticism very immature
I mean on forums. And I live in the us as well so no not time zones
I have never seen u Ingame and if you aren't mature don't apply
No support you are immature and inactive
1: crystalized 2. Xefobae206 <3 3. Rate abuse 4: disliked me putting a number for a giveaway and me saying welcome to the forums. Totally...
rate abuse
Welcome to the forums!
go on skype fam
come on ts- e40
Support! but I would suggest adding more info as well as some colors :) Good Luck!