Greetings, On the next server update, Mineverse will get a new anti cheat system. This system kicks those who decide to cheat, and also does not...
Been suggested numerous times, wont happen.
Rip forum head mod group rest in Mlg swag
@bananaman11223 Close please
Do you love me or GabeN more
What are you talking about???? I am Cypriots Gay lover. Aka Not Silento ;)
Hey guys, Cyp finally found out how to fix the reg issue. All registrations should be fixed now. Please inform anyone you may know who is banned...
No I love cyp. Paws off bub
Close forums is broken thread? Thanks <3
It was deep error in system. Cyp managed to find it tho :D
@Prin Do me a fav hun & close <3