Should I make a return to mineverse. I was a old og player that used to play a lot and helped as much as I could
No support for know - You should report more and get to know the community better before trying to apply for mod but I do think maybe sometime in...
No support -- Grammar errors - I don't see you much around here, or in-game - Do more reports -You just got back from when you quit. Maybe get to...
Yep :)
Support You seem like you have grown up a lot. You need to have a high maturity age for these types of jobs. You need to be able for the hard...
Also you should really be on the forums more often so people can get to know you. You should also play more because I have never seen you ingame,...
Neutral. You should add more details in your forum. It looked like you kinda just rushed and tried to get it done. You should really capitalize...
Is obviously a support reading threw the comments and looking threw your application and this is why You seem like a very happy person and I...
Neutral. I would love to see you ingame more often you seem pretty nice, but you should try and add more colors instead of black and blue, but...
No support - Never really seen you ingame but one time - Very rude to some players that play on this community -Let people get to know you and...
No support this time. -Never seen you ingame -you should try and make your app more organized -You should post more before trying to apply for mod...
I have to give it a support. I find this post really good and I have to say good job :)
No support. Reasons -I never see you ingame -I don't see you much on the forums. -You have been banned multiple times.
Support You may have hurt my feelings and been very mean but that was awhile back but know it is the present
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: TJ257 The offender's exact ingame name: 01Murphy07 A...
I'm going to have to say no support - I have never really seen you ingame -Maybe try and add some colors to your mod app
I am going to have to give this a support. I really like the mod app Good job!
Im going with a neutral. I have never seen you ingame You stopped coming on the forums for awhile
No support -I have never seen you ingame. -Be more active on the forums. - Get to no players
i no but it might happen and if it dos i will say i whoted this guard h=thing forever