Thank you.
Ask it; don't try to expand your messages.
If it's to the fridge, true. The person below me hates ginger cats.
False. The person below me is addicted to lemonade.
You judge from what you don't know or has omission and that is something that most definitely won't help in your future. Don't set limits on me...
You said you don't know this member, yet you post on his application saying you have nothing to judge him from; nothing relevant. Not something...
I am defending your decision to create a new application.
There is also a 'Post New Thread' button. I don't see why you disagree with members creating moderator applications.
The only issue I see is human error.
Lately there have been suggestions supporting an idea to disallow members who are which new to this community from applying for staff positions....
Are you good at debating?
Again, thank you everyone.
I wish you good luck. +1
I would define it as a branch of spam. More specifically spam that can have a negative or positive affect on the receiver depending on the usage....
Your map has a very visually pleasing environment. +1