Support you're a very great person and you will do an amazing job as a moderator
Please lock this, @bananaman11223 . I'd like to focus on getting more involved in the community and perhaps open this back up on a later date....
Grade eight will be fine. You may take a little time to get adjusted to the new year, but then everything will begin to fall in place. Find the...
Thank you, I appreciate the feedback.
Thanks, Echoed. I respect your opinion, however I disagree with your reasons. This is the type of thing that every person puts in their moderator...
Hello, before I get into this application I'd like to state that I do not believe adding color is going to help my mod application, because it is...
Thank you for all the warm welcomings, this is such an honour.
Hello, I'm Soap. I am a really interesting person. You should start a conversation with me. I am currently listening to 'Feel This Moment' by...
Happy? I requested a name change and deleted all of my posts in relation to religion. @Pile_of_Butts
How is this account any different than the account @Jesus ? He's trolling and pretending to be something that he's not.
My account is no different than @Jesus . I am a Christian myself, I am not pretending to be God just because I named my forums account "God". I...
No, I will not damn it.
On occasion.
I prefer the religious genre.