banned kitpvp & lobby hope getting unbanned ;(
I dont want to be a mod @Philip320 than I lose my titan.
@Philip320 Im not CraftGamesG He is my friend
How helpful is this player? I Know How hackers are I see it when there are hackers I report hackers all Time I Know When People Hack, Scam, Or...
Im banned for hacking I got proof that i dont
@Asided K,
Not Me My Brother.
Trying To get a Kitpvp Mod ;)
@Asided k But In my time Im never banned
so? @Asided that was my little brother I got his account now.
@Asided Yes Im 17
@Asided That was the 1 before Me
I never hacked #Skillz
@xXPVPKingsXx I dont hack??? And Im not rude My little brother was rude than I guess But he cant on this account anymore ;)
How old are you? Im 17 Your in-game name: DaniPvP__ What timezone are you in? Europe What country do you live in? Netherlands What languages do...