Banned for saying that two horrible movies that are really g8
Banned for banning
21/69 1t c0uld b3 b3tt3r
69/70 I like white profile pics
35. Play black ops 2
Master bate to car porn
Your forums account name: Imb4d4tvid30g4m3s The offender's forums account name: butfa A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:...
Oh, I'm going to amit that I've tried to download a client but my internet browser on my computer sucks and i can't really do anything
To me (no offense) i think that would be enough but yet again i don't know the standards of moderating
Now, why am i not allowed to see this?
oops i realize i put skywars not sky block
No problem [MEDIA]
I'm posting to youtube now
Your ingame name: Imb4d4tvid30g4m3s The offender's ingame name: butfa A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: They are hacking...