In game name: Dubbiest_Wubz Offender: RoboRooster2000 RoboRooster2000 was keep calling me "Rapest_Rubz" for no reason and i ask him to stop but...
In game name: Dubbiest_Wubz Offender: dragonshot5279 I was in lobby yet again and i see another fly hacker in the past 5 minutes [MEDIA]
In game name: Dubbiest_Wubz Offender: TheGamingFever TheGamingFever was flying in the lobby [MEDIA]
In game name: XxXKit_KatzXxX Offender: Mango_ Evidence: Mango_ was using Jesus a type of hack to walk on water and using kill aura. [MEDIA]
Lelelelele, that's how I role playah.
Oh... lol, carry on :cat:
it's just for fun
This dum dum here tastes like magical unicorn farts.
In game name: XxXKit_KatzXxX Offender: Kurtfish_ Kurtfish_ was advertising/spamming a server ip[ATTACH]
Yeah Don't Be To Hard On Your Self BurrBunn :) I Don't Judge People For What They Look Like or If They Are Les, Gay, or Bi. We Are All Here For...
In Game Name: XxXKit_KatzXxX Offender: xX_Kryptionic_Xx I Found xX_Kryptionic_Xx On My Plot Greifing Me & I Didn't Know I Could Remove Cuz I...
In Game Name : XxXKit_KatzXxX Offender : zclone66 On Creative he was being disrespectful/cursing.[ATTACH][ATTACH]
In Game Name : XxXKit_KatzXxX Offender : SeanOfNevin In the Skywars lobby he was Spamming, Caps, and Cursing. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
In Game Name: XxXKit_KatzXxX Offender: BillCipher_ On Infection He Was Egg Spamming Alot. [MEDIA]
I Solved it out my self so no need.
In Game Name: Dubbiest_Wubz Offender: __Gianna__, bkboucher, & zclone66 On Creative they put blocks that said u! to me and a grave/thing i...
In Game Name: Dubbiest_Wubz Offender(s): bpatt10, NexusBurns, SteAmXSnaKes, & M_PvPWarrior57_C[ATTACH] Here is some evidence i got. [ATTACH]
My Friend Jujurocks he was currently Titan but someone bought him Premium Now he is Premium what should he do, should i email cyp?
In game name: Dubbiest_Wubz Offender: Flowercat10 Well On Infection They Removed The Pet Slimes to stop people from pet hiding... i guess that...