Nah... That's just the way it is child. :)
This server is actually showing it's absolute ignorance, and is pretty pathetic in the sense of a parent buying anything for their children for...
I'm not talking about you or your opinions, I'm talking about the characterization of the staff and how they treat people here. I am not mean nor...
Goodnight. :)
Then you should not speak.
Politics and your opinion really doesn't matter with this point, but thank you.
But I will. You are incorrect. These group of people need to be assessed. Thank you for the dialog.
Krissy, reopen my original appeal to the administrators then!
Hahahaha... Krissy... You are full of massive dog feces. But if that makes you feel better, then by all means. Your statements are absolutely...
I still don't feel bullied. Thanks. :D
Attitude? And what might this be?
No lock, Just realism. :) I did ask you for advice before. I have these as well. Though you never responded. Interesting enough.
Since you are not a part of the original appeal, I would take it kindly as for you to butt out. You do not know anything that I am relaying here....
Ahhh... of course you would look up definition. LOL.. but what I am talking about is children running forums and assessing things for people that...
Sweetheart, I made an appeal to the administrators showing proof of the abuse by the moderator Fryzigg and her friends. This abuse was resolved by...
It really doesn't matter what your concern is here. I made this conjecture for intelligent minds. Take care.
You're just another one of these impotent minds that have to speak. Impotent means just that., don't. Good-Day!
Last week I was having a problem with some rogue moderators, and their friends. I showed proof of these hoodlums and their derogatory remarks to...
Go ask the guy Isaac_cool guy, he's the one who took it and you know it. He enderpearled in and took it when I threw it to you after I fixed it...