Not nice.
Yeah, totally hacking, that doesn't look like hacking at all XD and nobody would be stupid enough to hack while going for moderator
Many of you are hating on Elrak and sugarcoating your hate towards him. You are all ignoring the positives about him. I support for the following...
i steal yo fry chicken
bitch titties swag kfc fry chicken rap yo bitch mr steal yo fried watermelone pussay .
Welcome back
We are not normal, WE ARE MINEVERSIANS!!!
I can offer therapy for $1420.69 per hour.
You ditched a friend because she "hacks?". I hope your proud, because that is just awful..
Well done, don't come back for your own good
This is beautiful
First world problems
I write the terms and conditions for a living, it cures my autism. Don't criticize me, everyone loves reading terms and conditions, my friends...
Most people I tell this to, label me insane, crazy or psychotic/schizophrenic. But I know exactly what is going on. You might have already heard...