@CypriotMerks Lol ban me again? c:
hey babe XD
Also what kind of Skype name is .
Im not trying to play with your head {: HA <:
she didn't tell me other people told me, like Dj told me your Skype (: and if you choose to ddos me then go ahead.
Your my bae now... how do you feel about that :D
thanks ;}
I don't think PopIs_MyLife should be mod as the way he has been treating people calling them b----es :-: so yea.... I might get a lot of hate on...
;3 yas nu -.- purple is bae xD OFC THANKS :D :I ikr
IM BACK!!!!!!
Okay, so I need a anime! a good one without sexual intercourse c;
Hello, im not new to mineverse I got hacked, on my minecraft and mv forums account. My minecraft name was BabyTheBae, and now it is baby_12_34 its...
I-I need help who do I ask to get my name changed D:
c; your the first person who followed me xD
HEY ç;
got hacked haha I miss you ;n;
o3o well ha I got my mc account back thanks to the hackers help :) this is not my real forums account, this is a new one sins I got banned o: