i have my youtube channel on my pet is that considered a ban cause i dont want to wast my time going though pages of rules please staff tell me if...
i was posting my youtube channel in the chat and people where saying its advertising i just want to make sure if it is advertising or not cause i...
Lola Perez so what can we do now
I respect the server I just did something wrong and I got punished for it
Response in Ban Appeals I really want to be back playing minegerse I'm very srry I advertised I will never do it again
im not unbanned yet and the conversation we where having in the ban appeals is taking for ever im sorry but da truth
can u help me get my sistuation straight from ban appeals plz
lola perez would u please look on ban appeals and find me
its the [email protected] thing eamil in yahoo ??
my exact in game name is: Evanz822 my purchase rank is : God My exact issue or game mode where the problem is: Op prison/prsion on op prison i...
UncleUresto no dout about that
im being complety ethical i bought every rank but not titan
[ATTACH] this is prison all my ranks ivs been upgrading 1 by 1 are not all in your guyses severs this is all messed up with my ranks can u guys...
my time zone is central canada usa
How old are you? i am 14 uturing 15 in august Your in-game name:Evanz822 What time zone are you in? central Canada usa What country do you live...
it still dont work for op prision
i ugraged fro supreme to god today an i dont have kit god for the fallowing game modes op prision skygrid skyblock creatvie ty
and infectio also :(
nice skydiving pic :P
also says mvp in creative to