Welcome to the forums Khloe! :)
Not sure my opinion matters, but if it does, support.
Just finished at doctor. Pills taste bad.
Ok, thanks for your help!
Hello everyone! I have noticed that lots of people use color in their posts. I was just wondering, how do they do that? Thanks!
Going to apply for Mod. Wish me luck! :D
How is everyone? Hopefully well? I hope you are all doing better than I am. Just wanted to see how Mineverse is. Thanks!
Ugh. When I cough, I sound like an elderly seal.
I totally agree with everyone. Only a total jerk would post that!
I am happy, yet sick. Is that weird? #cold
Thanks! I would appreciate that ;)
Uh...is there a way we can, like, lock this thread? I don't wanna take up space. :lock: Thanks for the help, everyone!:)
Wow, that's confusing. Thanks for your help!
Why am I so excited?! :D
So, I'm looking around the forums, and I see someone who's profile pic is the word "BANNED" in red lettering. I have seen this several times. Are...
@Karateman4268 I can always count on them, and I feel like I can just be myself with them. :)
Really? I didn't know that. Thanks for telling me so I know never to do that.
Mostly Skyblock-people say things like "COME TO MY SHOP AT /WARP EXAMPLE!!!", and they send that, over and over, at impossible speeds, usually...
Yeah. I'm not sure how, but people have ways of sending about 15, decent sized messages in 10 seconds. I don't get it, do they hack, or what? :L
So, I'd like to ask everyone for your opinion on a common problem-Spamming. I have to deal with it almost every time I play multiplayer Minecraft,...